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Summers are usually pretty hard for working parents. From figuring out childcare to having the patience to take everyone on a vacation, parents need resources. It’s especially hard after this past year with so many of them (working moms especially) having to act as teachers too. Summer is no picnic either.

A 2019 study conducted by OnePoll, in conjunction with Groupon, examined the summer wishlists of 2,000 parents. The results revealed that parents would rather do a number of boring, mundane, and even stressful things than plan their kids’ summer.

25% of them said they would rather stand in line at the DMV!

While your business may not be in the childcare business, helping working parents by creating or finding valuable summer content could be a life saver for a group that’s already struggling.

So if you’re ready, let’s explore some fun, kid-approved summer content for your business to share with your working parent business community.

15 Summer Fun Ideas for Your Working Parent Members and Their Kids

These are relatively easy content ideas that you can create or share from other posters. This content is not only helpful to parents, some of it provides a great way to showcase community organizations, which is likely to get you even more shares.

Provide a List of Camps

This is one every fatigued parent needs: a list of camps in your area. Try to find some really unique camps. Check with museums and other organizations to see what they offer. Compile a list, publish it on your website, and circulate it on social media.

Go the extra mile: since we’re late in the camp sign-up season, check with each camp individually and find out who still has space. This helps the frustrated parent and the camp that needs to fill space at the last minute.

Host a Contest

There are so many different kinds of contests that kids can participate in. From essay contests on “the best summer ever” to coloring contests or pet costume contests, from song writing contests about your town to ideas for how to make your area better, the only limits are your imagination.

You can judge them through a panel, a random draw of people who completed the assignment, or a social media contest where people vote for their favorites with likes. The latter is always a big draw because everyone wants to see their child get the most votes. People share those posts with the same energy they sell their daughters’ Girl Scout cookies.

Don’t have money for a prize? No worries. Go through your branded swag or offer a gift card to your business. You’re bound to find something a child would like. Plus, knowing they won whatever it is through something they created will make it even more special.

Host a Field Day Competition

Get your business peers, especially those owned by working parents, involved in this one and host a field day competition with duos or teams comprised of children and adults as they battle it out for “best in town” designations. Businesses can sponsor activities or contests, shirts/teams, or a million other parts of this event. It can be a fun mix of serious and silly events with equally silly awards at the end.

Post wrap up pics and commentary on social media. This could be the type of thing people talk about for a while.

Publish Pool Hours and Events

Sometimes sharing important information (like community pool hours) is all it takes to put a smile on someone’s face and get more hits to your website. While it may not feel like these types of posts are “business related,” they are extremely helpful to your community audience and will drive traffic to your website. While they are there, maybe they’ll have a look around.

Feature Museums, Nature Centers, and Attractions in Your Area

Many of these types of activities are struggling due to earlier COVID shutdowns. Now is the ideal time to bring attention to staycation places nearby. Spotlight special events, camps, or learning opportunities they are hosting as well. Some may even have overnight activities.

Post Daily Content Kids Will Log on to See

You can create a “kids corner” on your website or on social media where you post daily trivia, polls, or other kid-friendly content. Conversation starter ideas for working parents can also add some summer entertainment as well.

Provide Food Insecurity Help

While summer usually brings thoughts of happy-go-lucky beach days, for many children it can also be a time of hunger. When they are in school, they receive meals. When they’re at home for the summer, some do not. In your community there are likely many sources of free meals for those under 18.

Share this information with your community. You are not only helping low-income working parents get their children the resources and sustenance they need, but you are also helping nonprofits bring to light the need for food for school children when the children are not in school. Someone may donate to the cause because of the awareness you raised.

Blog About Free Options

People love to share helpful content. A blog post on “10 free things to do with your family in Alameda” could be a big winner. Also consider highlighting what makes your area a favorite for families. Posts like this can get a lot of traction, not just in your community but elsewhere as well. Make sure you include a link to your business in the article so that if it gets picked up and shared elsewhere, everyone will know where the content came from.

Share Events at the Library

Post local library events or add them to your community calendar. A library is a cool place to hang out during the summer (literally, too, they usually have great AC.). Most have summer reading programs that offer rewards for reading.

Speaking of…

Compile a List of Summer Reading Programs

Read books, get rewarded. Why, oh why don’t they have these programs for adults?

Alameda probably has at least one, maybe several ways, to earn some impressive prizes by simply reading. Check with the library as a start. Help working parents find these great opportunities more easily by putting a complete list together.

Social Media Posts

Okay, so this won’t entertain the kiddies but it will get some posts and shares. Invite parents to share their funniest summer pics on your social media page. Everyone will enjoy the laugh.

You could also create weekly posts encouraging parents to share their favorite things in the community for kids. You could build quite the following around these weekly shares.

Outdoor Movie Listings

Create a list of outdoor movies. Explore the fun options like watching movies at a pool. If your parking lot is big enough, you could consider hosting your own.

Post a Favorite Bike Path or Walking Route

Tell people about local walking, running, and biking paths. In Alameda, we have many. Don’t forget to list difficulty levels, especially for kids.

Compile a Reading List

Talk to your staff and find out what their favorite book was as a child or what book had the biggest impression on them. Ask working parents and entrepreneur parents to share what turned them on to business! Post this list. It can provide really interesting insights into leaders. Provide links in the post to your local book stores.

Host a Kids Event

Think about ways you could host your own free (or nearly free) event at your business. Michael’s hosts crafting projects for a few hours. Home Depot hosts workshops for kids. Tech them how to use your product. It doesn’t even have to be a direct use of your product. This will bring parents into your business. List your event on the Chamber Community Events Calendar. It’s free!

Creating kid content may not be on your most important list of things to do but if you’re trying to reach more people and get more engagement, it can go a long way to doing that. Working parents (and especially working moms who struggled during COVID) are looking for resources and things to do with their kids. You can provide good information and get more traffic to your business at the same time.