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We’re headed into November and while there are concerns about supply chain, store deliveries, and inflation consumer confidence rose. This could turn out to be a great holiday season! But we’d like to ask one thing of you…

While we encourage everyone to support our Alameda businesses on Shop Small Saturday (the day after Black Friday), why stop there?

Small business deserves much more of our attention than one day a year.

Small businesses employ 60.6 million people. They also support PTAs and youth sports, making a commitment to our community because they live here. Yet, they are also the most vulnerable to economic downturn because so many of them operate on smaller budgets with little reserve.

Commit to Small Business

We challenge you to review your own budget this year. Is there something you buy currently that you could now buy from a local business? Maybe it’s your morning cup of coffee or gas. Could you buy it from a small business here in Alameda instead of a larger chain?

That commitment to spending at a small business has ripple effects on our economy and it also helps support the efforts of your neighbors. It costs you nothing to switch. You’re currently spending the money anyway. You’re just deciding to spend it with a strategy to keep more of it in our community.

Are you in on committing to local?