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On Monday, we celebrated the extraordinary legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Several of the things that always struck me about his wisdom was that he talked about community, being of service to others, advocated non-violent solutions, and making the world a better place.

His message remained positive even during dark times.

He could’ve pointed out the terrible unfairness in a negative way becoming discouraged and cynical. He could’ve given back the same hate that he was shown on so many terrible occasions.

But he chose to lift people up instead.

He saw our country and communities as something that were worth saving, helping, and advocating for. We still need Dr. King’s message of equality and perseverance as we’re continuing to work on some of the same challenges.

This week, I invite you to think about his legacy and his love of community…all parts of the community. And ask yourself, what are you doing in service?

There are many ways to serve. It might be dedicating yourself to raising a future leader or becoming a mentor. Maybe you’re giving of your time or money to make Alameda a better place to live for everyone. Maybe you’re volunteering or teaching in a school to ensure the next generation has a different start or perhaps you’re helping support small businesses by changing your buying habits.

Whatever you do, think about how it’s affecting what you care about and the ripple effects it creates on the community.

Have a wonderful week.