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This week we welcomed spring, the season of growth. It’s a time when all the things that laid dormant in the winter begin to experience new life. It’s a hopeful time for most. Here at the chamber, we hope it’s a time of growth and recovery for your business but just like the spring itself we know there are still a lot of struggles and work involved before we can enjoy a bountiful harvest.

That’s why we’re working harder than ever to bring you the resources you need to position your business in a place of strength. From employee professional development webinars to networking events that fit your schedule, from the upcoming State of the City in April to our Business Excellence Awards in June, we offer a variety of ways to learn, grow, and connect within the community.

Spring is also a time of change. We see withered plants awaken and bud in the sun. There are now flowers where there were only stalks before. We begin to see fruit grow from flowers. The Chamber is also helping affect growth and change. We are out there advocating for your business, watching proposed legislation and weighing the effect if will have on your business. We’re working with the City to bring abut effective pro-business change to help you grow.

If there’s something of value you need or an action that would help you take advantage of potential growth opportunities, let us know.

We want this spring season to be one where we can all enjoy the fruits of our labor and position our businesses for future growth years from now as well.

Join us in supporting one another and celebrating this special time of year.