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It’s easy to follow the crowd and when it comes to marketing and content creation, there are a lot of people out there giving advice. But creating content for business is different than a fifteen-year-old trying to get more followers or be labeled as an influencer on social media.

Are you making these common mistakes by following the worst marketing/content creation advice?

Try it All 

Some businesses are so excited about the cutting edge that they get out there every time a new shiny object shows up. Vine, My Space, Eons, and Orkut appreciate your efforts. (Sorry, a little social media humor.) 

Don’t fall for the “everybody’s doing it” routine.

Only one group matters to you–your ideal audience.

Find sites that your ideal customer is on or ones your client demographic matches. Then be present. Share and comment on content consistently and you’ll see people return the favor.

“Our _______ Works for Everyone” 

This is not traditional advice, but it is something most owners will say to their marketing person when pressed with the question – who are we selling to?

“Everyone” is not an answer.

It’s the old question of can and should. Can you sell mini skirts to 80-year-olds? Yes. Is there a large market and will young people want to wear the same things they see their grandma wearing? No. 

Narrow down your demographic and speak to that person. You can have more than one demographic but you should be communicating differently to each. If you want to market mini skirts to grandmas, go for it. But differentiate yourself and your marketing message from the others out there that are trying to appeal to kids.

If You Build It, They Will Come 

In social media showing up is not enough. You can spend every day in the arena stands of your favorite sports team and you’ll never get drafted. Just “being” on social media won’t get you discovered and shared. You have to share things that educate, inspire, and/or entertain your ideal audience. And you must do it consistently.

“Going viral” does happen on occasion. Sadly, that makes everyone think they can be viral sensations just by pushing their own content. But there needs to be a back-and-forth between you and your audience to build a following. 

Show up, share, and engage. That’s the only way. Creating a profile, online community, or group and waiting won’t get you the interaction you desire.    

Don’t Put Price on the Website. 

This depends largely on your industry, but if you’re not putting the cost of your product or service on your website because you’re afraid your competitors can see it; I assure you they probably already have. The benefit of putting price on your website (if it’s something that has a set price like software) is that a lot of people can self-disqualify without tying up your sales team.  

Many businesses are under the impression their sales department is so good that when people with a small budget call, they can talk them into their pricey product. But you’re wasting everyone’s time. Even if they can be talked into it, your product’s price will make the buyer uncomfortable. Eventually, they will cut ties. Instead, move the question away from price by providing it on your website surrounded by value. 

Be a Thought Leader 

Becoming a thought leader is wonderful but being of value is better. Most people don’t have it in them to truly be a thought leader. It takes a special kind of person to speak broadly of their industry and trends. But everyone can be of value. Anyone can produce content their audience needs. Everyone can analyze their data to derive what’s important to their target demographic. If you can be a thought leader, great. If that’s not for you then be a thoughtful leader and help your audience with the things you share.