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The Ambassador Program acts as an extension of the Alameda Chamber and is a recognized liaison group between the Chamber and its members and the community.


The Alameda Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Program's Mission:

Promote member commitment and retention actively promoting and representing the Chamber by:

•  Raising awareness of Chamber activities, events, and benefits
•  Introducing, informing, and involving new Chamber members to promote strong loyalty and interest
•  Encouraging engagement and beneficial participation in the Chamber's programs
•  Serving as a liaison between the Chamber staff, members and the community


The committee also helps existing members remain involved and directs prospective members to the appropriate channels.


Chamber Ambassadors are always helpful, honest, and engaging.


They have:

  • big ears to listen
  • big smiles to set people at ease
  • big minds to see connections and possibilities and
  • big hearts to make it all possible



If you're interested in being considered for the Alameda Chamber of Commerce's Ambassador Program, take a look at the Alameda Ambassadors Packet, fill out the application and commitment sheets, and send them back to

Meet the Chamber Ambassadors:

Sharon Mancillas CHAIR

Keller Williams Real Estate

Cynthia Hollins

Bank of Marin

Michael Castro

Marin Wealth Advisors

Marcela Limon

Lemonshoots LLC

Shelley Rosenfeld

Conscious Skin Care