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Alameda Business Blogs:

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President’s Message

January 10, 2023

This has been a trying week. While our Island was spared much of the predicted onslaught from rain and winds, we still weathered some flooding, downed trees/branches, and road closures. We hope that you are safe and the damage to property is minimal. We’ll just have to see what this week brings. It’s at times…


3 Reasons to Join the Chamber in a Time of Economic Uncertainty

January 9, 2023

Times of economic uncertainty don’t drive anyone to look for new ways to spend money. But some investments in your business–even when you’re worried about cash flow–are worth the return. Without those necessities—be they software or services—you couldn’t operate. Chamber membership is one of those necessary business investments and here’s why: Uncertain Times Mean Unprecedented…


How to Be More Interesting

January 4, 2023

While this originally was meant to be a networking article, becoming more interesting is something that can benefit every area of your life, from striking up a random conversation with strangers to acing your next job interview. Interesting Is in the Eyes of the Audience  First, my interesting may not be your interesting. There’s no…


Ten 2023 Trends Hand-picked for Small Business

January 2, 2023

Whether you sell food, things, or services, we’ve brought together a round-up of trends that you can incorporate into your business in 2023 for increased revenue and better market traction. Ten 2023 Trends for Small Business According to Architectural Digest, kitsch is in. From vacation rentals to home décor, over-the-top is just the beginning. Climatarianism is the new…


Small Business Season Topics for Your Newsletter or Email Blast

December 28, 2022

It’s the last week of Small Business Season but you can still make a big impression. Email blasts/campaigns, texts, and newsletters (in addition to your social media posts) can help you get in front of your ideal customer and stay top of mind. But these marketing tools require content. If you need some fresh ideas,…


President’s Message

December 27, 2022

For those of you who celebrate Christmas or Hannukah, I hope you had a wonderful time filled with joy. While some of you may still be off enjoying some well-deserved time with family and friends, I encourage everyone to spend the last week of the year patronizing small businesses around Alameda. From dining to retail,…


How to Make Your Product or Service Indispensable

December 26, 2022

Unless you are extremely fortunate in your type of business, there’s a lot of tough competition out there. Your product or service must compete against a host of other businesses not just in your town but, potentially, across the globe. You’re also in competition with inaction or buying nothing at all.  If you haven’t analyzed…


3 Storytelling Tips for Marketing a Boring Product/Service at the Holidays

December 21, 2022

We’re not here to call your baby ugly. But let’s face it, if you’re reading this article, you must think your product or service isn’t the sexiest, easiest to market. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t good potential. Storytelling can help enliven even the most common products. Through these marketing suggestions, you can finish the…


Making the Most of Your Minutes

December 19, 2022

Small business owners usually have more on their to-do lists than there is time in the day. If becoming more productive is one of your New Year’s resolutions, we have a suggestion for you that could be a game changer. One of the biggest productivity challenges is interruptions. But as a small business owner, they’re…


During Small Business Season Don’t Forget This

December 14, 2022

It’s easy to get swept up in the stress of managing a small business during the holidays. But if you sell gift cards or are a participating business in our Alameda Community gift card program, there’s one thing you want to make sure you don’t miss.  While we use the term Small Business Season to…