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Alameda Business Blogs:

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President’s Message

September 20, 2022

Are you looking ahead to 2023 or are you still figuring out 2022? Next week we enter the 4th quarter, and if you haven’t done so, it’s time to review (2022) and plan for 2023. We’ve designed a Strategic Plan to direct the chamber in allocating time and resources. It just makes life easier knowing…


Now Is the Perfect Time to Tell Your Business Story

September 19, 2022

Telling your business story is a compelling way to get your audience more invested in you and to help build know, like, and trust. But your business story shouldn’t be a dry About Us page filled with dates you first opened and how many locations you’ve been through over the course of your business history. …


5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Creativity for Big Wins in Business

September 14, 2022

Creativity in your business can help you capitalize on opportunities. It helps you see connections, where others see none. It also aids in presenting unique ideas, thinking of new revenue streams, and so much more. Creativity assists businesses in standing out from the crowd and a creative approach gives people yet another reason to know,…


Is It Time to Join Forces with Another Business?

September 12, 2022

Are you old enough to remember the super heroes called the Wonder Twins? They would join forces and utter those magical words “Wonder Twin powers activate!” Sure, there were often comical results but both characters used their strengths to save the day. The same is happening with businesses these days. We’re seeing a lot of…


What Does Emotional Intelligence Have to do with Business?

September 7, 2022

Do you feel competent in your business but have trouble building a loyal following? Do you hire capable employees but wonder why they never stick around? Then you (or your employees) may have a lower emotional intelligence. But the good news is that it is something you can improve and grow. What is Emotional Intelligence? …


President’s Message

September 6, 2022

While summer isn’t officially over on the calendar, most people use Labor Day as the unofficial end of the season. Students are back in school, many pools are closed, and people are no longer planning summer getaways. Focus shifts onto the upcoming series of holidays, fall, and year-end. If you own a business, you’re likely…


Your Employees Are Likely Part of the Gig Economy and That’s a Good Thing

September 5, 2022

COVID forced many employees to work from home, whether they wanted to or not. As recovery continues employee and employers are deciding between their preferred work location. Many employees chose to remain at home even when their business called them back. Some employers, on the other hand, decided to trim costs and allow employees to…


7 Tips for Improving Your Local Search Ranking

August 31, 2022

Most businesses want to improve their search engine optimization (SEO). Doing so means more customers at less cost, and almost everyone wants more customers and doesn’t want to pay a lot to acquire them. But how you improve your organic reach on a global scale is very different from how you do it on a…


Using Existing Facebook Groups to Grow Your Business

August 29, 2022

Alameda has several Facebook groups that have formed around living, working, and/or playing in our Island community. Some are private and you’ll need to request to join. Others are public. Some groups are loosely veiled business generators for community leaders or professionals (often real estate agents) who recognize how important it is to insert themselves…

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President’s Message

August 23, 2022

I talk to a lot of business owners (obviously) and most have concerns over the economy and where we’re headed. Some have stopped reading and watching the news because of the anxiety they derive from it. Instead choosing to gauge their own economic performance on a day-by-day basis based on the sales they see and…