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Alameda Business Blogs:

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7 Reasons Your Business Is Missing Out If You Don’t Blog

June 8, 2022

It’s pretty common knowledge at this point that if you have a business, you should have a blog. It helps you connect to your ideal customer and serve as a resource for people in the market for your product or service. But how exactly does that work and why should you care? Here are seven…


President’s Message

June 7, 2022

We have a lot of amazing events coming up geared toward helping you and your business. I know for some people it’s hard to motivate to attend these gatherings. It’s been a long time. You have other obligations. It takes time out of your day. But our events help your business in multiple ways. By…


How to Get Certified as a Woman-Owned Business

June 6, 2022

If you’re a woman who owns a business and you’d like to apply for federal contracts, getting officially certified as a woman-owned business is essential. Moreover, the federal government’s goal is to award at least 5% of its contracts to women-owned small businesses each year. While the certification process may seem daunting, it’s not that…


4 of the Most Effective Ways to Sell Your Product/Service

June 1, 2022

If you own a business, you probably spend a lot of time thinking of different ways you can sell your product or service. Maybe you’ve investigated neuro-marketing or tried one of these sales approaches. A hard, persuasive sell is getting more difficult these days, isn’t it?   Relationships are becoming incredibly important to brands, especially with…


President’s Message

May 31, 2022

At the beginning of this week we celebrated Memorial Day. “Celebrated” seems like such a weird word for a holiday that memorializes our fallen soldiers. It is a solemn occasion that marks the ultimate price paid for our freedom. As we celebrate the unofficial start of summer let us take a moment to think of…


4+ Tips for Bringing in More Tourism Business This Summer

May 30, 2022

Sumer is approaching and many of us are preparing for a return to normal when it comes to the seasonal onslaught of tourism. Even with high transportation costs people are traveling and still—hopefully—buying. If you’d like to attract more tourists to your place of business, here’s how you can prepare.  How to Appeal to Tourists…


The 1 Business Change You Can Make for Big Results 

May 25, 2022

At the risk of sounding like an infomercial, if you make one business change this year you’ll open up a new door to an even greater level of success. It’s a very simple concept. You don’t have to go get an MBA or Master’s in marketing.   You simply have to refocus your offerings from you…


President’s Message

May 24, 2022

This Monday is Memorial Day, a day we honor those who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. We also remember their families who sacrificed so much. This weekend, when you are enjoying the festivities, remember what this day is set aside for. In honor of Memorial Day, I wanted to share a little of…


5 Professionals You Need on Your Small Business Team

May 23, 2022

If you’re a small business owner without the resources to hire a large full-time business team, you can still meet your business needs through freelancing or turning to independent business professionals. This can be an economical way to accomplish your goals without having to cover the cost of full-time employees.  5 Professionals Every Small Business…


3 Blogging Hacks for Non-writers

May 18, 2022

By now you’ve probably heard how important blogging is for your business. People buy from people they know, like, and trust. A blog is the perfect way to help people get to know you. But it also serves as a resource for people who are looking for your expertise.  It helps with SEO and serves as…