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Alameda Business Blogs:

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27 Engaging Ways to Use Mother’s Day in Your Marketing

April 26, 2022

Mother’s Day is an ideal way to honor the women in your life who have helped you become the person you are today. In recent years, it has moved past the celebration of (just) one’s own mother and encompassed grandmothers, women we think of as second mothers, mother-in-laws, fur moms, best friends, and even female…


The Largest Unused Advantage Small Businesses Have Over Box Stores 

April 20, 2022

Some days it feels hard to compete with the loss leaders that big box stores employ, the operating hours they’re able to keep, the programs, their ad budget, their marketing…the list goes on. But small businesses do have an advantage box stores don’t and it’s one that’s rarely used.  Small businesses have a community connection.…


President’s Message

April 19, 2022

There are a lot of ideas being tossed around right now regarding the “Great Reshuffle,” where people are leaving the traditional workplace in droves. Some are starting their own business, others are freelancing, some are going to work in smaller startups where they’ll have more say and flexibility. We’re seeing a dynamic change in the…


Do You Have These 10 Things on Your Business Website? You Should.

April 18, 2022

If you’re a small business, you probably bootstrapped your website content, picking it up here and there, copying what you like from other sites (hopefully not word for word), and adding as you go. That’s the way most small businesspeople do it unless you were lucky enough to know someone who could do it for…


5 Changes to Make to Your LinkedIn Profile Today

April 13, 2022

Too many people think LinkedIn is solely for finding a job. Since small business owners have jobs, they often overlook the site’s potential. LinkedIn has 722 million users of the site with 310 million active monthly users (2021). Over 31% of users are based in the U.S. If you want to improve your personal brand…


President’s Message

April 12, 2022

Last week, we hosted our largest in-person event since COVID, and it was a resounding success. The Honorable Mayor Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft gave an invigorating State of the City, and a panel of City leaders answered questions about the future of our wonderful area.  The event filled me with such excitement about the future. I…


20 Ways to Celebrate National Holidays for Your Business

April 11, 2022

On Friday, when the idea for this blog post was born, it was not only National Empanada Day, it was also National Zoo Lovers Day. You may have also noticed on social media that people celebrated Siblings Day this weekend as well. All in, there are 257 national holidays in April alone. It’s hard to…


Gaining Control of a Social Media Disaster

April 6, 2022

Social media is a terrific way to connect with your audience but it can also pose problems and expose vulnerabilities with trolls and others wanting to do your business harm. It’s a difficult thing to navigate when someone says something disparaging about your company or a PR nightmare is created. But this article will give…


President’s Message

April 5, 2022

The old saying–April Showers, Brings May Flowers can be taken literally and figuratively. Yes, good rain brings healthy growth. But only if you plant something. It doesn’t do us any good to go around wishing for a garden or a successful business. You must plan, gather resources, plant, and nurture to achieve growth. Of course,…


10 Things to Do for Your Business Instead of Watching TV

April 4, 2022

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. While we may have different responsibilities, the most productive people learn to use their time in valuable ways no matter how little of it there is. They quickly grasp the best way to use “stolen minutes” in between projects or appointments. Some even keep a…