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Alameda Business Blogs:

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6 Ways to Build Long Lasting Customer Relationships

March 30, 2022

In this age of consumerism, there’s a choice for every product. You alone do not hold a monopoly on your product— customer is king. For a business to be sustained and stay viable, the customer must always come first. Keeping them happy and returning for more is the ultimate goal for any business and that…


President’s Message

March 29, 2022

I’ve been thinking a lot abut collaboration these days. Have you ever watched a TV show where a character from one show appears another? It’s fun isn’t it, mixing it up like that? Well, for our April Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion meeting, we’re stepping out from our usual webinar space and joining with our Alameda…


36 Creative Ways to Bring More Attention to Your Business

March 28, 2022

Do you need more attention? Do you feel like your business isn’t top of mind in Alameda and beyond? People won’t buy from you if they don’t think about you. While the easiest way to increase sales is to upsell existing/current customers, the second-best way is increased exposure. These days, to stand out, you need…


Professional Development: Learning Is Not A Luxury

March 23, 2022

It sounds simple, but it’s true. For the last couple of years many people in business have jettisoned any ideas about developing their skills in favor of ensuring the survival of their business. That is completely understandable. After all, it was a global pandemic. Now, as the economic landscape opens up and we can envision…


President’s Message

March 22, 2022

This week we welcomed spring, the season of growth. It’s a time when all the things that laid dormant in the winter begin to experience new life. It’s a hopeful time for most. Here at the chamber, we hope it’s a time of growth and recovery for your business but just like the spring itself…


5 Business Wellness Ideas

March 21, 2022

Whether your team works from home or in an office, whether you are a business of one or one hundred and one, taking care and making time for wellness is becoming increasingly important. Stress levels (because of what’s going on in the world around us) are increasing. Plus, you may not even be aware of…


3 Things to Know About Freelancing Your Business’ Content Marketing

March 16, 2022

Google is an insatiable, content-devouring beast. If you are not feeding it regularly, it will quickly lose sight of your business, and move onto someone who will. The only way you’ll know you fell out of favor with this ravenous search engine – your rankings.  But how do you feed the beast AND run your…


President’s Message

March 15, 2022

Beware of the Ideas of March! No, that isn’t a mistake. It is the Ides of March (3/15) but it’s also a time when we have to protect ourselves from ideas that aren’t going to work in your business. Often, at the end of the first quarter, businesses reevaluate what is working and what isn’t.…


It’s Time to Really Start Talking Cybersecurity

March 14, 2022

At the risk of sounding like Chicken Little (you know the one who runs around talking about the sky falling) the current global “go-ings on” are the closest we’ll ever get to advanced warning that cybersecurity is something every business needs to worry about. Big or small, selling globally or just in your tiny town,…


Why You Need to Grow Your Personal Brand (and It’s Not to Land a New Job)

March 9, 2022

Business owners are as guilty as they come. Because they have their own businesses they rarely see a reason to build out things like their LinkedIn profiles. “I’m not looking for a job.”, is a common response when asked why they don’t have a profile.   But in today’s uber-competitive business climate, where even mom and…