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Alameda Business Blogs:

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cheap marketing

3 Cheap Marketing Ideas for Businesses on a Budget

January 19, 2022

Marketing can be one of your largest business expenses, particularly if your business is unknown and you’re just starting off. If your business has a storefront on a well-traveled street here in Alameda, you’re in luck. If not, you have some work to do.   New business owners who haven’t tackled marketing for business before may be…


President’s Message: Building Community

January 18, 2022

On Monday, we celebrated the extraordinary legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Several of the things that always struck me about his wisdom was that he talked about community, being of service to others, advocated non-violent solutions, and making the world a better place. His message remained positive even during dark times. He could’ve…


What Customers Want Post-Pandemic

January 17, 2022

The results of a recent survey commissioned by GoDaddy and conducted by OnePoll of 2,000 Americans and what they want from small business going forward, shouldn’t surprise business owners. But if you assumed your safety protocal is temporary, you may be surprised. Customers have become acclimated to certain conveniences and they expect businesses to continue…


Most Businesses Get This Wrong on Social Media

January 12, 2022

There was a funny screen print of an email shared on social media last week. In it, a person the recipient didn’t know proposed marriage and then in the next sentence suggested, “Maybe we can get to know each other better.”   To any rational person this message seems out of order and out of context. Sadly,…


President’s Message

January 11, 2022

The employee shortage has been on my mind this week. It’s funny, when the pandemic first hit we worried about businesses shuttering because no one would have the money to buy. Turns out, many people in the community were ready to help. We stood strong and supported our small, local businesses and others here in…


Efficiency Versus Effectiveness: which will you choose for 2022?

January 10, 2022

How do you like to work? Are you a speed or precision person? Do you like many small projects or one big, long one that you can dig into?  No, you’re not in the middle of a recruitment fair. These are simply questions that most self-aware professionals should know about themselves and about their teams.…


Improve Your LinkedIn Profile with These 5 Quick Steps

January 5, 2022

Too many people think LinkedIn is solely for finding a job. Since small business owners have jobs, they often overlook the site’s potential. LinkedIn has 800 million users (according to its about page), an increase that more than doubled since 2015. If you want to improve your personal brand and your company’s visibility, this site is…


President’s Message: January 4th

January 4, 2022

2022! How has it been treating you so far? We put a lot of pressure on a new year. We tell ourselves, this one will be different…better. We’ll succeed in ways we never thought possible. But the funny thing is most of us keep doing the same old, same old. We use thoughts that haven’t…


New Year, New You, New Biz: Find Your Motivation in 2022

January 3, 2022

The end of the year is a time to look back and assess. While many people enjoy the nostalgia and reminiscing that occurs at this time of year, it can also be anxiety-ridden. It’s a time to realize you either hit the mark or you didn’t. And if you did, you may be apprehensive about…


5 Cheap, Yet Effective, Ways to Start Using Video in Your Business

December 29, 2021

Many business owners think about using video, but they don’t know where to start. They worry it will be costly and require a lot of expensive equipment or they feel “dumb” on camera.   Creating video can be incredibly easy and affordable. You can begin with what you probably already have (a phone, adjustable lighting, and a mic or headphones) and use free or inexpensive…