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Alameda Business Blogs:

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5 Types of Effective Storytelling for Your Business

July 19, 2021

Do you watch America’s Got Talent? Or how about American Idol? The Olympics? The MLB All-star Game? These competitions all have something in common. They tell stories. If you watch them, none of them are solid, hours upon hours of broadcasted competition. Mixed in with commercials and the performances, the producers choose to interlace storytelling…


How to Seduce the Customer When Your Business Isn’t Sexy

July 14, 2021

As business people we sometimes envy those marketers who have ”sexy” brands to market, brands that appeal to customers on an emotional level. Brands like Harley Davidson and the Parisian Tourism Bureau seem to have it made because their product/service screams sexy. What about those of us who have decidedly less heart-thumping, albeit needed, products?  How do you get people excited about plumbing, for instance? …


Social Media Is Not Just for Recruiting Customers

July 12, 2021

For a while, marketers have been telling people how to build relationships with potential customers on social media. They’ve shown them how to nurture a potential customer through the sales cycle to make a buying decision. And that’s what businesses have been focused on. But your social networks need to be doing double duty now.…


How to Find Time for Social Media

July 7, 2021

Small business owners, especially those businesses with under 10 employees, find it extremely difficult to justify the time on social media because it doesn’t lead to predictable, measurable cost savings or revenue. But it’s difficult to measure the value of a relationship and that’s what you’re building with social media. Just as you make time for…


6 Things Your Blog Should Be Doing for Your Business

July 5, 2021

Even with all the changes in technology, the increase in the popularity of videos and podcasts, and the growing disinterest in reading (for some), blogs still have a place in business. If you’re not using a business blog in the following ways, you’re not making the most of what it can be doing for you and…


15 Ways Your Business Can Help Working Parents This Summer

June 30, 2021

Summers are usually pretty hard for working parents. From figuring out childcare to having the patience to take everyone on a vacation, parents need resources. It’s especially hard after this past year with so many of them (working moms especially) having to act as teachers too. Summer is no picnic either. A 2019 study conducted…


Free (or nearly so) Training for Your Employees

June 28, 2021

Brownie Wise (the saleswoman behind the success of Tupperware) said, “If you want to build a business, build the people.” This is incredibly important but now more than ever. With the hiring shortage going on, you must do something to make your business stand out and helping potential employees understand they can have a career…


Better Business Blogging Made Simple

June 23, 2021

How good is your business blog? Here are a few tips to make it even better. It’s simple. A business blog should do three things for your business:   prove to Google you are a legitimate business website with good content (which will happen when it’s shared).  present a more human side of your business, helping your audience connect…


New in Alameda? Tips to Help Your New Business (and you) Fit In.

June 21, 2021

Starting a new business can be challenging, but it can be even more difficult if you are new to the community. In large cities with transient populations being the “new business (or business owner) on the block” is a designation that doesn’t last long but in a smaller, tighter-knit community it can feel like it…


25 Restaurant Marketing Opportunities With Your Alameda Chamber Membership

June 16, 2021

Restaurant marketing was hard enough even before COVID! Serving good food is often not enough to be successful in the restaurant industry. Restauranteurs struggle with everything from staffing to marketing, staying top of mind to staying on top of orders. The demands are endless but the Alameda Chamber of Commerce can help. Here’s how to…