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Alameda Business Blogs:

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3 Solutions to Common Hiring Problems in Alameda

April 12, 2021

Some business owners in Alameda are saying we are in the midst of a secondary pandemic. But it’s not the kind that requires masks and handwashing. No, this one is harder to control.  There is a dearth of people willing or able to work for a multitude of reasons. For instance, some people want to…


4 Reasons You Need to Get Involved with the Chamber Today

March 22, 2021

Businesses join the chamber of commerce for several reasons. Years ago, it may have been expected; just something you did when you opened a business and wanted to be in good standing in the community.  But these days it’s more likely a business joins because there is a direct advantage to them. Maybe they wanted…


3 Things in Business That Aren’t Worth It

March 15, 2021

We only have so many hours in the day. The last thing you want to do is spend time on activities that aren’t worth the investment. Being labeled as “not worth the time” from a business perspective doesn’t mean these things are annoying to do. In fact, some of the things you’re doing in your…


6 Signs of a Healthy Business

March 8, 2021

Many of us have spent this year concerned over the health of our businesses or those in Alameda. And while it’s easy to assume you know the indicators of a healthy business–a good balance sheet–it’s not the only thing you should be looking at. In today’s world a quick decision from a leader can radically…

transforming your business into a fun business

25 Ways to Become a “Fun” Business

March 1, 2021

Do you want to appeal to a younger demographic? Want to get people talking about you? Maybe you want to attract an ultra-cool influencer or celebrity customer? If you do, rebranding and becoming a “fun” business may be just the way to get more attention and a more loyal fanbase. There are many serious reasons…


7 Quick Ways to Get More Upsells and Referrals

February 15, 2021

Your current clients/customers are likely an untapped resource of additional revenue. After all, it is much easier to sell to someone who already likes you than it is to win over a new person.  But there’s a lot of competition out there.  There’s a saying in the restaurant industry that a diner who described their…


6 “Better Than Surveys” Ways to Find Out What Your Customers Think

February 8, 2021

A few years ago, a trend came on the scene that changed how businesses interact with their customers. Business people began recognizing the importance of the customer experience and customizing their offerings to what customers wanted. That was a great thing. But what came out of it that was not so great were surveys. Of…


How to Get Backlinks and Why Your Local Business Needs Them

February 1, 2021

If you’re like most content creators, you may love the free publicity and SEO love you get when someone links to your website or content but you probably don’t like actively pursuing them. It can feel like you’re begging people to like you and—let’s face it—you are. But while a lot of things have changed…


15 Ways to Build a Huge Email List

January 25, 2021

Guess what? You need an email list.   Even if you’re only occasionally sending out emails and can’t/won’t commit to a newsletter, you MUST HAVE a list. I’m not even exaggerating or trying to scare you. In today’s business climate, most products and services aren’t instantaneous decisions. Generally, the person making the purchasing decision thinks about it before…



January 18, 2021

Are you looking for ways to increase sales? As a business owner, you probably spend a lot of time thinking of different ways you can sell your product or service, especially since COVID. Maybe you’ve investigated neuro-marketing or tried one of these sales approaches. A hard, persuasive sell is getting more difficult these days, isn’t it?   Relationships are critical to brands, especially on social…