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Alameda Business Blogs:

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What Is It We Need Most in Alameda?

August 30, 2023

When I’m out and about, I like to ask people I meet in Alameda what it is that we need most here. Do we need more restaurants, tech, or entertainment options? Maybe another grocery store? Boutique? Having a healthy community is about having the right balance of businesses, recruiting businesses that will be good job…


What in the World Does a Chamber of Commerce Do?

August 28, 2023

If you walked into a crowded room and asked the question in the title of this article, what would you expect to hear? The chamber of commerce is like the government, right?  No, it keeps track of business complaints. No, they’re like greeters for the community. Like the Welcome Wagon. They’re a country club for…


11 Questions to Ask Us to Help You Grow Your Business

August 23, 2023

Often businesses aren’t sure how to best use their chamber memberships. They understand that chambers are an advocate for business but how do they work and what specifically can they help with?   You might just be surprised.  Here are a few questions you can ask us to help improve and grow your business (and just…

chamber membership

Chamber Membership Is One of the Best Business Investments Out There

August 21, 2023

Have you ever attended an Alameda Chamber & Economic Alliance event? If you’re not a member, you’re missing out. Before you say you don’t have the time to attend events, it’s important you know chamber life is not just mixers and ribbon cuttings. Chamber membership is one of the best-kept secrets for free or nearly…


The Mutual Benefit of Content Marketing with the Chamber

August 16, 2023

As a business owner, you’ve undoubtedly heard of the importance of content marketing. But if not, here’s the short version of it. Content marketing is producing content on topics of interest to your customers, in a medium they enjoy, at a time that it is relevant (and useful) to them. If you’re hearing a lot…


Getting Ready for an Amazing 2024

August 14, 2023

In the bustling world of small business, as entrepreneurs and professionals, we often find ourselves caught in the whirlwind of routines, habits, and attachments that no longer serve our growth, personally or professionally. In the pursuit of success, we accumulate emotional baggage, physical clutter, mental burdens, and antiquated processes that hinder us from experiencing the…


3 Reasons “Businesses of One” Need an Alameda Chamber Membership

August 9, 2023

If you’re a solopreneur, you’re likely putting in some long hours building your business. Anything that helps you be more productive for a small investment is a necessity for you at this point. You may have thought briefly about the chamber. Perhaps you decided against it because you think it’s for older people who like…


The Halo Effect: a Cheap and Easy Way to Improve Your Branding

August 7, 2023

Have you ever heard the phrase, “You are the company you keep?” It has good and bad ramifications, doesn’t it? It’s often applied to young people and their friends. But did you know this “Halo Effect” influences customers as well? And you could be using it in your business for amazing results. What Is the…


Why Your Parents Were Right About Chamber Membership

August 2, 2023

Okay, so maybe your parents never told you anything about chamber memberships but we’re sure between one of your parents you learned the following lessons. And you might be surprised how they apply to chamber memberships.  You Are the Company You Keep  Do you remember this one? Your parents likely told you to be careful…


Grow Your Business Socially

July 31, 2023

Did your parents ever say, “Monkey see, monkey do.”? Perhaps you were trying to win an argument by telling them how you’re the only person not allowed to do something, to which they replied, “If everyone jumped off of a bridge, would you do it too?” Your parents were likely trying to raise you to…