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Alameda Business Blogs:

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What’s the Return on Investment of Chamber Membership?

June 21, 2023

Is it worth it to join the Alameda Chamber & Economic Alliance? How do you know? Calculating the return on investment for chamber membership can be quite simple. But first, you must decide how you plan on measuring it. Here’s what you need to think about:  Return on investment is calculated quite simply. According to…


Be Unforgettable: How Business Owners Can Standout at Networking Events

June 19, 2023

First, you’re probably thinking if everyone in the chamber (and beyond) reads this article and follows the advice here, no one will be unforgettable because we’ll all be following the same instructions. But in the words of the famous Dr. Seuss, “There is no one alive more youier than you” so being the same isn’t…


Unlock Your Leadership Potential with Leadership Alameda

June 14, 2023

Staying ahead of the curve and honing your leadership skills is crucial for success. But who has the time? If you’re a businessperson looking to take your career to new heights, you need to make the time. One of the easiest ways to make time is by committing to it. You can do that by…


Slay the Biggest Impediment to Adopting a Growth Mindset

June 12, 2023

(Hint: over 50% of business professionals across all industries are succumbing to it)  Before you read this article, open the internet, and type in “How many business professionals are busy?” For a little extra fun, substitute business professionals with your specific industry. You’ll see pages and pages of results. Studies all saying the same thing—more…


How Much Do You Spend on Professional Development?

June 7, 2023

There are likely professional development pieces you must keep up with for your business. Items like certifications, licenses, and other must-haves. But what about the secondary training you need to learn to keep your business relevant in today’s changing marketplace? Are you keeping up? Can you afford to? What do you need to know? Here…


Our Population Is Getting Older. Is Your Marketing Holding Up?

June 5, 2023

It’s predicted that by 2040, 80.8 million residents of the US will be over the age of 65 (currently, we’re at 47 million). That’s more than double the number in 2000. While we can wring our hands all day worrying about things like social security and healthcare as the population ages, an older demographic can…


Improve Your Business Reputation with the Alameda Chamber & Economic Alliance

May 31, 2023

The Chamber is often seen as a Better Business Bureau of sorts. People have confidence in using businesses that are members of the chamber. Chamber membership equates to business respectability (and stability) in many customers’ minds, which often means greater sales for business members.  Many people see chamber membership as a ringing endorsement of good…


Gen Z Is Ditching the Traditional Search Engine. Is Your Business Ready?

May 29, 2023

While AI is a boon for anyone tasked with repetitive time sucking activities, it’s a nightmare for school administrators and educators. Kids everywhere (other than New York, where it’s illegal) are using chatbots to do their homework, write school scripts and projects, etc. And because of AI’s generative language use, plagiarism trackers are ineffectual. But…


Make a Difference Through the Alameda Chamber & Economic Alliance

May 24, 2023

The Chamber offers volunteer opportunities, networking possibilities, help with marketing and so much more. Joining the Chamber is also a great way to make a difference in Alameda’s economic development and improving the quality of life for people in our community.  Have you ever heard Bruce Springsteen’s song “My Hometown”? The lyrics speak to what…


Why Workforce Development Is a Big Deal for Alameda’s Small Businesses

May 22, 2023

If you think workforce development is just something big companies get behind, it’s time to rethink your stance. Here’s why: Many small and medium-sized business owners think workforce development isn’t their concern. But are large businesses the only ones thinking about the types of employees they need for the future? Unless you are a business…