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It’s Small Business Season!

While it's always Small Business Season here in Alameda, from November 1 – December 31st, we’re hosting an extra special celebration.

During Small Business Season™ we encourage everyone to support friends and neighbors by shopping, dining, and exploring our small businesses here in Alameda.


Small Businesses Are a Big Deal!

Small businesses have made up over 66% of all new jobs created since 1996.

Yet, they face huge challenges due to rising costs, supply chain problems, and filling vacancies. Plus, according to JP Morgan Chase, “The median small business holds (only) 27 cash buffer days in reserve. Half of all small businesses hold a cash buffer of less than one month. Moreover, 25% of small businesses hold fewer than 13 cash buffer days in reserve.” That means over half of small businesses wouldn’t last over a month on their reserves.

They need our help, and we need theirs.

On average, $68 of every $100 spent locally stays in our community. Most of us turn to small businesses first when we’re seeking help for our nonprofits, youth activities, and sponsorships.

When they thrive, we thrive!

Where you spend your money this holiday season matters.


Who Can Participate in Small Business Season™

Small Business Season is for anyone wanting to support local small businesses in our community.

We invite all of our members, community leaders, business owners, neighbors, and friends to participate.

The more we share and reinforce the message, the stronger the message is.


How to Participate in Small Business Season™

Participating in Small Business Season is FREE, but you must register to receive all the marketing materials.

  • Press Release
  • Email Template
  • Blog Post
  • Social Media Images
  • Online Banners
  • Idea Guide
  • Content Calendar
  • Tent Cards
  • Special "Small Business" frameable
  • and so much more!

PLUS, you will receive images and articles each week to post on your social platforms, blogs, and newsletters.

Yes, I want to participate in Small Business Season



Additional Ideas for Supporting Small Businesses:

  • Write reviews
  • Refer friends
  • Check-in and take pictures or videos and share them on social media when you’re visiting small businesses
  • Share small business posts on social media
  • Talk about your favorite businesses on social media


Join us and pledge to support local this holiday season. Shopping small can make a big difference.


If you’re a small business and want more information or branded merchandise, visit the Small Business Season official page.