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Join a Committee & Let Your Voice Be Heard

People are always asking, "how do I get to know more people and have more of an impact on the business community?" Some want to give back and some want more exposure for their businesses.


Whatever the driver, joining a Chamber committee can make a huge difference in your business. You can:


  • get to know others
  • improve a skill/gain new experience in a desired area
  • give back to your community
  • help shape programming in the community
  • and many other benefits


We have committees that are industry-oriented, cause-based, and interest-centric. Currently, unless otherwise specified all committee meetings are virtual.


To learn more about volunteering, email the Chamber at

Ambassador Program

The Ambassador Program acts as an extension of the Alameda Chamber and is a recognized liaison group between the Chamber, its members, and the community.

The mission of the Ambassadors is to actively promote and represent the Alameda Chamber & Economic Alliance in the business community. The committee orients new members on the benefits of Chamber membership, helps existing members remain involved, and refers prospective members to the appropriate channels.

Economic & Government Affairs Committee (EGA)

The Economic & Government Affairs Committee promotes the local, state, and federal legislative interests of the business community and works to highlight and discuss issues of interest. It is also dedicated to identifying and solving the key economic issues facing the City of Alameda and advocate for businesses working with the municipality.



Videos of past EGA meetings are available on our YouTube Channel.

Workforce Development Committee

Our mission is to empower the Alameda workforce by providing access to training, education, and employment opportunities that enhance skills and advance careers. We strive to foster a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workforce that drives economic growth and promotes community prosperity across all industries.

The goal of this committee is to create a thriving and resilient Alameda workforce equipped with the skills, knowledge, and resources to succeed in a rapidly evolving economy. We see Alameda as a community where every resident has access to meaningful employment and career pathways that lead to economic mobility and a better quality of life. We are a catalyst for workforce development innovation, collaboration, and excellence in the Bay Area.

Maritime Committee

Maritime is historically the largest economic sector on the island. This committee addresses the maritime industry's needs, concerns, and challenges, works on goals and objectives, and strategizes to implement solutions. It also encompasses the needs of the emerging "Blue Tech" industry.

Events & Fundraisers Committee

This committee's mission is to evaluate and support the annual signature Chamber events, participate in the planning process, and execute steps to ensure success and profitability. The committee also formulates and directs communication activities, emphasizing brand, marketing, internal and external communications for all chamber events.

Alameda Restaurant & Bar Coalition

The Alameda Restaurant Coalition is committed to bringing together restaurant owners in Alameda to foster collaboration, share best practices, and amplify their collective voice. Our mission is to create a vibrant and supportive community that advocates for the success and growth of local restaurants.

Our vision is to establish the Alameda Restaurant Coalition as a powerful platform for restaurant owners to connect, learn, and advocate. We're creating an environment where restaurant owners can exchange ideas, discuss challenges, and implement best practices to enhance their businesses. By coming together as a unified voice, we strive to influence positive change in the local business climate and promote Alameda as a premier dining destination.

At the core of our vision is the belief that by leveraging the strength of our restaurant membership within the Alameda Chamber & Economic Alliance, we can improve the business climate for restaurants in the city. We envision a thriving community of restaurateurs who are supported, connected, and equipped with the knowledge and resources to navigate the ever-evolving industry landscape.

The Alameda Restaurant Coalition serves as a catalyst for collaboration, education, and advocacy. Through regular meetings and networking events, we will provide a platform for restaurant owners to learn from industry experts, exchange insights, and develop strategies that drive success.

Our committee actively engages with local government officials, policymakers, and other stakeholders to ensure that the voices of our members are heard and considered in decisions that impact the restaurant industry.

Alameda Point Business Coalition

The Alameda Point Business Coalition, formerly known as the Spirits Alley Coalition, is a newly-expanded group within the Alameda Chamber & Economic Alliance that is dedicated to extending specialized assistance and unwavering support to businesses situated within Alameda Point while concurrently collaborating with the City to shape the trajectory of ongoing development projects.

The Alameda Point Business Coalition serves as a conduit for resources, advisory services, and advocacy, designed to facilitate the growth and prosperity of Alameda Point businesses. This Chamber committee plays a pivotal role as a conduit between the City and enterprises in this locale, upholding regular communication channels to ensure their challenges are not only acknowledged but comprehensively understood.

The Alameda Point Business Coalition makes suggestions to the Chamber on the allocation of resources, provision of guidance, and needed advocacy efforts to empower Alameda Point businesses to not only succeed but flourish. The group is committed to harnessing the collective wealth of resources and expertise to tackle pressing issues, including transportation enhancements, lease negotiations, safety measures to foster a secure business environment, and initiatives to cultivate a skilled workforce for these businesses and beyond.

Participation in the Alameda Point Business Coalition equips enterprises with access to a network of like-minded professionals, invaluable resources, and an avenue to articulate concerns as well as innovative concepts. Through collaborative endeavors, we aspire to cultivate a dynamic business ecosystem at Alameda Point. Moreover, our active collaboration with the City ensures that development initiatives are strategically steered, contributing to the area's economic advancement. This entails refining zoning regulations, streamlining permitting procedures, and exploring versatile applications for existing structures and adaptive reuse possibilities, aimed at stimulating the growth of businesses in Alameda Point.

The Chamber is steadfastly dedicated to the success of local businesses, and this coalition embodies a progressive approach. Through collaborative engagement, we're dedicated to reinforcing Alameda Point's economic landscape, fostering business retention and expansion, and collectively charting a path toward prosperity.

Harbor Bay Business Coalition

The Harbor Bay Business Coalition is a dedicated committee of the Alameda Chamber & Economic Alliance, focused on providing specialized assistance and support to businesses located at Harbor Bay. As part of the Chamber, our coalition acts as a crucial link between the Chamber and the businesses in this thriving area.

We understand that businesses at Harbor Bay have unique needs and challenges, and our coalition is committed to addressing them effectively. Our primary objective is to support these businesses by advocating for their interests, providing resources, and facilitating their growth within the community.

The Harbor Bay Business Coalition actively collaborates with the Chamber to ensure that the concerns and priorities of businesses at Harbor Bay are heard and understood. We are dedicated to addressing current concerns, such as transportation, creating a safe business environment, and supporting the hiring needs of businesses in the area.

We work closely with local government entities, community organizations, and other stakeholders to advocate for the specific needs of Harbor Bay businesses. By leveraging our collective voice and resources, we aim to find practical solutions and promote positive change in these areas.

Joining the Harbor Bay Business Coalition means becoming part of a community that is committed to addressing the unique needs of Harbor Bay businesses. By working together, we can drive positive change, improve transportation options, create a safe business environment, and enhance hiring opportunities in the area.

Alameda Emerging Leaders

The NEW Alameda EL is a professional leaders group designed around the needs of entrepreneurs, innovators, and those beginning their careers with interest in future leadership.

The group's mission is to connect, promote, and support local young professionals through social activities, community involvement, and professional development, making Alameda a more desirable place to live for emerging leaders.

Alameda Emerging Leaders