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Alameda Chamber & Economic Alliance's Programs

Business After Hours Social (BASH)

The BASH is sponsored each month by our Chamber members and is held at the sponsor's place of business. Chamber members, prospective members, business associates, and guests regularly attend. The event is an enjoyable and profitable experience, giving companies an excellent opportunity to network and socialize with the chamber members.

Chamber Education Program - Lunch & Learn Series

Lunch & LearnThe Chamber Education Program (CEP) is a monthly webinar, Lunch & Learn speaker series which delivers essential knowledge on critical business topics.

The CEP brings together the Chamber business community, to hear from experts, ask questions, and share tips and ideas that are essential to running a successful business.

Good Morning Alameda

Good Morning Alameda is a monthly coffee networking event hosted at one of Alameda's coffee shops. Each month, a community leader will provide attendees with information about what they do and their vision for the area. It is a great way to meet neighbor leaders and learn more Alameda and the people driving change in the area.

Attendees also enjoy open networking and coffee in a friendly, welcoming atmosphere.

Good Morning Alameda is open to the public.

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Town Hall

The Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Town Hall is designed to create learning opportunities around topics like promoting social justice, disbanding systemic inequality and racism, and supporting diverse voices and opportunities through Alameda.

It hosts monthly education sessions to help draw attention to the need for diverse voices and viewpoints in business.

The members then use this education to affect change within the community through initiatives like striving for equity in the workplace, ending micro-aggressions in communication, and establishing more opportunities for people of all backgrounds throughout Alameda.

Membership is open to everyone in the community who wants to make an impact through education and volunteerism.

12@12 Roundtable Focus

12@12 is a small-group round-table discussion focused each month on a single industry and designed around the needs of that group. 12@12 is focused on uncovering and sharing challenges of that month’s industry, brainstorming solutions, sharing best practices, discussing potential innovative solutions and the action plan required to achieve the desired results.

Each month a small representative segment of an industry comes together to learn about business models and services from one another as well as from leaders with the City of Alameda. This is a joint effort on behalf of the City and the Alameda Chamber & Economic Alliance, dedicated to facilitating effective change for the good of business.

Attendance is determined on a first come, first served basis and is limited to twelve people within the profession or industry for that month.

Alameda Women Leaders

AWL is a diverse, women-led group designed to empower and support women in business through leadership, advocacy, education, scholarship, and mentorship.

No matter what career stage you’re in, we look to help you meet your personal and professional goals and create valuable relationships in a supportive environment.

In addition, AWL's partnership with Girls Inc. of the Island City will provide powerful role models, career mentors, and internship opportunities for the girls and teens they serve.

Ribbon Cutting

A ribbon cutting is an event to celebrate the opening of a business for the purpose of connecting with your customers, your vendors, local business people you know, your friends, your family and members of the public who you invite.

Junior Chamber

As Junior Chamber members, students will learn about business ownership through job shadowing employers in the City of Alameda and will engage in projects designed to foster personal growth as local and global citizens.

The Chamber & Economic Alliance will host a celebration at the end of the school year to honor the contribution of the Junior Chamber. Commendations will be awarded to students who have excelled as members of the Junior Chamber.

Alameda Pulse

Powered by the Chamber. Coming Soon! 

Hear from some of the community's top leaders tell their stories, predict trends, and share best practices in a one-on-one interview format with the Chamber.

This program is a great way to get to know community leaders in a new way.

Leadership Alameda

The New Class Starts in September 2023! Applications will open in March 2023.

Leadership Alameda introduces an annual class of leaders to the major facets of the Alameda community through its intensive professional development course. The program hosts educational sessions and local tours of public and private sector organizations as well as encourages and facilitates candid conversations with community leaders.

For more information, contact Madlen Saddik at 510-522-0414 or


We urge you to get involved in these fantastic programs or try one of our committees.